Complaint Redressal

Instructions for submitting complaints to FIFS

  1. The user can file a complaint to FIFS after he/she has raised its concern/complaint with the Fantasy Sports Platform (operator). The user can get the email id for complaints to the operator under the member’s section
  2. The user can complain to FIFS by filling in the online form, only after
    • He/she has not received any reply from the operator for two weeks after sending the complaint.
    • He/She has received a resolution/reply from the operator and is not satisfied.
  3. FIFS will send the complaint in the form submitted by the user to the Ombudsman, only if the user has provided complete details of its complaint as well as the resolution provided by the operator.
  4. The FIFS Ombudsman will review the complaint if all relevant documents are provided by the user.
  5. The FIFS Ombudsman will provide a remedy to the user through an order that will be sent by FIFS to the user over the email provided by the user in its complaint.
Direct complaint at FIFS without reaching out to the Operator will not be looked into by FIFS.
Please reach out to Operator first.
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